How could humans or any beings evolve to experience or perceive higher dimensions?

Currently we humans can only observe and interact with space in three dimensions. To illustrate, take a piece of paper and a pencil. Now put the pencil down on the piece of paper firmly, and then bring it back up again, what you have now is a just a regular dot. A dot is a zero-dimensional object, it has no length, no width, no depth, no nothing, it simply represents a literal point in spacetime. Now, put your pencil back down on that dot and draw it straight out to a desired distance, what you have now is a line, a one-dimensional shape that has length, but no width or depth. Now take that line, make another 3 of them, and then rearrange them so you get a square, a square is a two-dimensional shape that has length and width, but no depth. Now, summon your inner origami master and fold that piece of paper into a cube, as you may now guess or know, what you get is a three-dimensional object, and hey, as a bonus you will also have those lower dimensional objects drawn out on that cube too, which also illustrates perfectly how those lower dimensional shapes look like, and are mapped onto a three-dimensional one.


I recently rewatched the movie Interstellar with a friend, which I INCREDIBLY highly recommend by the way, even if you are not passionate about physics or cosmology, and especially if you are. And after watching that movie again with a much more developed mind, a lot of the points and parts of the movie that initially flew over my tiny head, now stuck and I understood them. After which I found myself pondering the question of how we humans could evolve to experience, and manipulate higher dimensions, much like the bulk beings from that movie.

So presently, the only thing we know that can transcend across different dimensions, and is currently our must fundamental framework of understanding the universe, is quantum mechanics. In fact, quantum mechanics are exactly the framework which brought to our attention the fact that there are many more dimensions beyond our own, take for example string theory, and its newer iteration M-theory, which describe the totality of 10 and 11 dimensions respectively, 9 and 10 spatial dimensions, with 1 of them being the dimension responsible for time. String theory posits that there have to be extra spatial dimensions that are curled up on themselves into manifolds, kind of nondescript shapes so small that they escape everyday notice and experimentation.

To digress a bit, let’s talk about humans and consciousness for a moment, one possible theory, and the one I believe in as well, for how consciousness happens is that it’s merely a subjective byproduct of our vast and objective brains and the neural networks inside of them. Think about it, neurons, which are incredibly basic and incredibly objective self-contained "systems", not even systems to be honest, just basic switches and relays for information in your brain. Put enough of them together and connect them in certain clever ways, dividing them into different sections of the brain, each with a different density of said neurons, different connection styles, different lengths between neurons, and different patterns of them, and with THAT many variables, each of them being incredibly flexible and configurable in how many different ways you can express said variable, you get the insanely complex and complicated systems that are incredibly subjective, like the human brain and consciousness. Take the analogy of having one child in a room who can only calculate 1+1=2 and nothing more, by themselves they might not be able to do much, however, put enough of them together into one room and suddenly you have a supercomputer that can calculate everything from quantum mechanics, astrophysics, cosmology, and everything in between. You get emergent and compounding complexity from a system that in its core, is very basic. You take any one of those listed variables, and change them even a little bit, like for example make the connection between this one group of neurons with another just a little bit longer, maybe change the shape and pattern of that group of neurons, and suddenly you get an ENTIRELY different person with a different personality, and subsequent experience through life, almost exactly like the butterfly effect.

And this exact concept carries across basically everything, even the very fabric of reality itself. If you take a look there you see that "neurons" become elementary particles which by themselves are again very basic and can't really do much, and their different variables and things that bring uniqueness and randomness into their system, just like how each person has their own unique personality and experience in life, is the laws of quantum physics like your Heisenberg's uncertainty principles, Schrödinger's wave equations, superposition, entanglement. etc. Giving that many variables, each of them being very robust and flexible and highly random by themselves already, as is the whole world of the quantum itself, gives way for such an incomprehensibly complex universe and reality to form.

So, going back to my brain analogy and my universe analogy. If we put those two together. You see that there is one part that is not present in my brain analogy that is present in my universe analogy. If you put atoms together in various ways you can get entirely different things like a diamond, or slightly arranging them in another way, you get coal. Again, very basic things, changing a very basic variable can get you something that is entirely different. Just like how slightly rearranging the connections and patterns of basic neurons in our brains can get you entirely different individualities and lives. However, what is not present in my brain analogy, for good reason, is its version of the laws of quantum mechanics, so the aforementioned superposition, uncertainty principles, etc. And that is exactly because our brains are inherently, at least understood for now, to not be quantum systems or taking advantage of any quantum systems / properties, our brains are far more similar to basic, binary computers than they are to complex, non-binary, and uncertain systems like quantum mechanics.

So what if, to experience and evolve into higher dimensional beings, our brains have to evolve exactly to take advantage of the world of the quantum, and merge with it, develop sort of “quantum neurons” so to speak, akin to quantum bits in a quantum computer, rewiring our brains to take advantage of quantum mechanical systems and principles, changing the very core of what makes us, us, in this current three dimensions. Our physical three-dimensional bodies being replaced with metaphysical, 4th or 5th dimensional bodies. Which will allow us to do exactly the things that you witness in the movie Interstellar, time, which is a core concept for us, becomes another spatial dimension that we can interact with and change at will, we will be able to observe every single moment in the past, present, and the future simultaneously, and shape it to our will. We can literally bend and morph space and time in our current three dimensions to form things like wormholes, to build things like the tesseract inside of black holes, which on the subject of tesseracts, tesseracts are four-dimensional shapes represented in our three dimensions. If you take a tesseract, you will eventually realize that you can fold it out into 8 cubes in our three dimensions, just as the cube can be folded out into six squares in two-dimensional space.

In the 4th and 5th dimension, we can interact with time as simply as you can currently take a three-dimensional mug, picking it up from a flat two-dimensional table, and then doing whatever you want with it.

Quite literally our current imagination is the limit as to how you could observe and interact with reality in those higher dimensions, what new laws of physics and reality will govern us in those higher dimensions, what lies beyond, etc. What if our idea of our three-dimensional concepts of “infinity”, would appear to beings of higher dimension the same as the idea of a two-dimensional being's infinity appears to us, so not really infinite. What appears “infinite” for us currently, becomes finite at such levels of existence, leading to even higher and more complex “infinities” and concepts that we could never even begin to comprehend currently.

That is exactly why in the movie Interstellar, the bulk beings used the tesseract to grant the ability of time and gravity manipulation for our three-dimensional beings. Think about it.


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